Figma • HTML • CSS • React • Analytics 
Syngenta is one of the largest agricultural products companies in the world. 
In México, only the users of Syngenta are around 4 million farmers, and In LATAM, around 19 million. 
Syngenta is very close with its users. One recurrent comment was the need for specific videos of each product. Best practices and advice on how to use the product. 
We conducted interviews with several users, and we found the following results: 
• All users preferred videos over text for advice or best practices. 
• 90% of users watched videos while they were on the field. Or at least they did some research on the file while working. 
• Users didn't want tutorials; they wanted quality material with other farmers' testimonials and tips from specialists. 
Our main target was farmers between 35 and 45 years old.  
Mostly, it's Android users who have releases that are different from each other.
All of them have wives and kids. 
Design Process
User flows
Through the development, we did many user flows for each specific feature or screen on the site. 
First sketches
I did sketches and wireframes for all the screens on the user journey; this helps a lot in the end process to give a sense of what you will design. 
Since the users had so many different operating systems on their phones, we decided to make a web app. It will be more convenient to deploy, and the support, even if they had old phones, will be faster than developing an app for each operative system. 
Main features
• User’s registrations and logins 
• Favorite videos per user
• SEO and social share and Analytics 
• Search with dropdown 
• Vimeo and YouTube integration
After several iterations of design and talking back with developers for a better development process, we ended up with these final designs. 
Syngenta play was a hit among the users. Interviews after the launch show the users were pleased with the final results. 
After the release, users keep coming back for new content.

• Monthly traffic of up to 20k users
• More than 3k registered users in only 3 months
• Every quarter, more than 15k unique visitors
• More than 85% of traffic acquired is organic 

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